Booking Notifications
  • 02 Apr 2024
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Booking Notifications

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Article summary

Marlin Tyre and Mechanical Workshop Software's booking notifications function enables businesses to update customers about their bookings via sms or email.


Confirmation notifications can be sent whenever a new booking is added, or when the Time, Contact or Vehicle information for an existing booking is edited.

Reminder notifications can also be sent a specified number of days (up to a week) before a booking is due to take place.


Booking Notifications will be automatically enabled with the release of Marlin 5.1.4. To disable booking notifications, please contact the Megabus Support Team.


Sms booking notifications are charged per sms message sent and require an active sms agreement with Megabus Software.

Editing Booking Notifications

There are four different types of booking notifications:

  • New Booking Confirmations are sent when a new booking is first saved;
  • Changed Booking Confirmations are sent when a booking is updated;
  • New Booking Reminders are sent a specified number of days prior to the booking;
  • Changed Booking Reminders are sent a specified number of days prior to the booking when a previous reminder has been sent.

Email and sms templates (which do not exceed character limits) can be set for each booking notification type, by editing the relevant Planner.BookingNotifications enterprise setting.


To assign a template to a booking notification type, first create the template in the Customer Message Templates module, then use the relevant picker to assign the template to the appropriate notification type.


Alternatively, the default booking notification templates supplied by Megabus can be edited, without needing to re-assign the notification settings.


The default number of days before a booking that reminder notifications are sent out is two, but can also be set by editing the Planner.ReminderDaysBeforeBooking company email setting.


Sending Booking Notifications

Business Planner

Whenever a booking is first saved or the Time, Contact or Vehicle of an existing booking is edited, the Booking Notifications pop-up window will open, prompting the user to send a booking notification to the customer.



Clicking the History button at the bottom will open another pop-up window showing the notifications that have been previously sent or are currently queued for this booking.

The upper section of the Booking Notification pop-up shows the Contact and Vehicle information for the booking.

The contact method for the notification messages can be set using the Notification Method drop-down, with the selected contact method details being shown in the field to the right.


Available and default notification methods can be changed by editing the relevant contact master file, which can be easily accessed by clicking on the Edit button to the right of the Notification Method field.

By default the Confirmation and Reminder checkboxes below will be ticked.

Select whether to immediately send a booking confirmation to the customer, via the selected notification method, by ticking or unticking the Confirmation checkbox.

Select whether to send a booking reminder to the customer at a later date, via the selected notification method, by ticking or unticking the Reminder checkbox.

Leave the Reminder checkbox ticked to queue another message to be sent the specified number of days prior to the booking date.

The drop-down menu to the right can then be used to specify how many days before their booking the reminder notification should be sent.


The default number of days before a booking that reminder notifications are sent out can be changed by editing the Planner.ReminderDaysBeforeBooking company email setting.

By default, scheduled reminders will be sent to customers at midday on the scheduled day. To change the time reminder notifications are sent, please contact the Megabus Support Team.


New Reminder notifications will overwrite existing ones for the same booking. Unticking the Reminder checkbox when sending updated booking notifications will also cancel the old reminder.

To send the confirmation notification and/or schedule the booking reminder, click on the Ok button at the bottom-right of the pop-up.

Unticking both the Confirmation and Reminder checkboxes and clicking on the OK button will not send any notifications.

Clicking Cancel in the Booking Notifications pop-up window will maintain the changes to the booking but not send any notifications to the customer.

A ? icon will appear in the Task List's new Notified column for the booking, indicating that changes have been made without notifying the customer and users will continue to be prompted to send notifications whenever changes are made to the booking.


Viewing Booking Notifications

Business Planner > [Booking]

Sent booking notifications, including queued reminders, can be viewed by opening the relevant booking and clicking on the Outbox tab of the Edit details window.


Specific message details can be viewed by double clicking on the relevant notification.


Booking notifications can also be viewed using the outbox module, which allows queued booking reminders to be deleted.

Booking Notification Methods

Master Files > Customers > Customers > [Customer]

The Contact Methods lists at the bottom of Customer Master File Details tab now contains Allow Booking Notifications and Preferred Booking Notification columns, which can be used to set the contact methods used for their booking notifications.


The relevant contact master file can be easily accessed and edited from the Booking Notifications pop-up window, by clicking on the Edit button to the right of the Notification Method field.


The Allow Booking Notifications and Preferred Booking Notification columns only contain checkboxes for Mobile or Email contact method types.

To enable booking notifications to be sent using a contact method, tick the relevant Allow Booking Notifications checkbox.

To specify a contact method as the preferred booking notification method, tick the relevant Preferred Booking Notification checkbox.


Only one preferred booking notification method can be set at a time. Booking notifications must also be allowed for a contact method in order to set it as the preferred booking notification method.


Whether contact methods are enabled or disabled for booking notifications by default can be edited using the ContactMethodValue.DefaultAllowBookingNotification company setting.

The default preferred booking notification method can also be set using the ContactMethodValue.DefaultBookingNotificationType company setting.


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