- 29 May 2024
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Supplier Payments
- Updated on 29 May 2024
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Marlin Tyre and Mechanical Workshop Software includes a flexible module for handling supplier account payments.
Payments toward supplier accounts can be made by selecting Daily Activity > Supplier Payments from the menu bar.
The supplier payments window will open on the Search page, displaying a list of current supplier account payments.
Current payments have not yet been committed (or cancelled).
Cancelled and Committed payments can be shown using the filter to the top-right.
EFT banking (ABA) files, which can be used to pay suppliers in batches, can also be generated using the Supplier EFT Payments module.
Adding Supplier Payments
Daily Activity > Supplier Payments
At the top-right of the Supplier Payments Search list, click on the Add action button.
The supplier payments Add window will open on the Payment tab, which contains a form for creating a new supplier payment.
Use the Supplier picker in the top-left of the Payment tab to select a supplier to add to the supplier payment.
Once selected, the supplier’s information will populate the below Supplier, Activity and Contacts fields.
The Payment Detail section on the right can be used to add additional information about the supplier payment.
The Status drop-down shows whether the supplier payment journal entry is a Draft, Cancelled or Completed, and cannot be manually edited.
By default, the Accounting Date field will display the date the new supplier payment was created.
The date can be edited to reflect when the payment is actually paid using the Accounting Date calendar picker.
The amount being paid toward the supplier balance can be entered in the Amount textbox either now, or later when allocating the supplier payment.
Additional information about the supplier payment can be recorded in the Notes textbox.
To save the new supplier payment and return to the Search window, click on the Save action button to the top-right of the payment tab.
New supplier payments will be displayed as Drafts, until they are either committed or cancelled.
Payments can be committed at any time, once the supplier and amount have been entered.
Payments committed without being allocated against specific invoices will be saved as a general credit on the supplier's account and will appear on their Allocations list as a negative, unallocated amount.
Payments can be allocated against outstanding invoices when adding them or at a later date, after they have been committed.
Allocating Supplier Payments
Daily Activity > Supplier Payments
Supplier payments can be allocated against outstanding invoices when adding them, or by opening a Draft supplier payment in edit mode.
At the top of the supplier payment window, select the Allocations tab, which contains a form for allocating payments against the supplier's outstanding invoices.
The supplier textbox in the top-left shows the name of the supplier the payment is being made against.
If not already recorded when adding the supplier payment, enter the amount being paid against the balance with the supplier in the Payment Amount textbox.
An amount to be deducted from supplier's balance without funds being paid can be entered in the Discount Granted textbox, if desired.
The tax proportion of the discounted amount is automatically calculated based on the company tax code and is shown in the Includes Tax Of textbox below.
The combined total of the payment amount and any discounts granted is shown in the Total Amount textbox on the right.
The Allocations list below can then be used to allocate the supplier payment to an existing invoice on the supplier's account.
Credit orders are highlighted in red, payments in green and invoices in white/grey.
If available, the outstanding invoices for different branches can be viewed using the branch filter at the top-right of the list.
The Original Amount column shows the total amount of the transaction and the Outstanding Balance shows the amount remaining to be allocated at the time the supplier payment was created.
Credit notes and payments are shown as negative values, indicating the company's balance with the supplier.
To allocate either the whole or part of a payment to an invoice, enter the amount to be allocated in the Allocation cell of the relevant invoice.
The Remaining column will automatically update to show the amount left to be paid off the invoice, after the allocation.
The Total Amount Allocated and Balance Remaining to Allocate are shown at the bottom right of the Allocations list.
The Total Amount Allocated must be less than the Total Amount of the supplier payment and the Balance Remaining to Allocate must be greater than zero in order for the allocation to be saved or committed.
The remaining balance can be automatically allocated against an invoice by clicking in the Allocation cell of the Invoice and pressing Enter on the keyboard. If the balance remaining to allocate is greater than the invoice's Outstanding Balance, Marlin will automatically allocate the outstanding amount, leaving the rest as Balance Remaining to Allocate, which can then be allocated against another outstanding invoice.
Any unallocated balances will be saved as a general credit to the supplier's account.
If there is more than one draft supplier payment open for the same supplier, Marlin will prevent allocating to the same transaction in both drafts.
The allocation cell will be highlighted in orange and hovering on it will indicate why an allocation cannot be entered.
To remove all amounts from the Allocation column and return them to the Balance Remaining to Allocate, click on the Clear action button to the top-right of the Allocations list.
To save the Allocation as a draft and return to the supplier payments Search list, click on the Save action button at the top of the module window.
Bulk Supplier Payment Allocations
Daily Activity > Supplier Payments > [Supplier Payment] > Allocations
The Bulk Allocation option is only enabled once a Payment Amount has been entered and there is a balance remaining to allocate and can be used to automatically allocate the remaining balance of a supplier payment against a supplier's outstanding transactions, based on its age or accounting date.
To bulk allocate payments, click on the Bulk button to the top-right of the Allocations list.
The Bulk Allocation Options pop-up window will open, showing the bulk allocation options.
Use the Allocation Method toggles at the top of the window to select which bulk allocation method to use:
- Oldest allocates the payment amount, along with any other existing credit amounts, toward all of the supplier's outstanding invoices. The allocation begins with the oldest Invoice and progresses toward the most recent, until the Payment Amount is exhausted.
- Due Date allocates the Payment Amount, along with any other existing credit amounts, toward all of the supplier's outstanding invoices with due dates within a specified date range, begins with the oldest Invoice and progresses toward the most recent, until the Payment Amount is exhausted.
The date range is determined using the From Date and To Date textboxes and calendar pickers that appear at the bottom of the Bulk Allocation Options window, once the Due Date toggle has been selected.
- Transaction Age allocates the Payment Amount, along with any other existing credit amounts, toward all of the supplier's outstanding invoices within a specified age range, depending on the supplier's payment terms. The allocation begins with the oldest invoice within the specified age range and progresses toward the most recent, until the Payment Amount is exhausted.
An invoice's age is measured in the amount of payment periods (as per the supplier's payment terms) that have elapsed since the accounting date of the invoice and is shown in the Age column of the Allocations list (e.g. if a supplier's payment terms specify that all invoices should be paid within seven days, and it has been fourteen since the accounting date, then that invoice will have an Age value of two).
The Transaction Age range is determined using the From Age and To Age textboxes that appear at the bottom of the Bulk Allocation Options window, once the Transaction Age toggle has been selected. These textboxes also show the possible age range of outstanding Invoices to select from (i.e. if a supplier's outstanding invoices are all between two and four payment periods old, then the From Age and To Age textboxes will be listed as "From Age ( 2 - 4 )" and "To Age ( 2 - 4 )".
- Accounting Date allocates the Payment Amount, along with any other existing credit amounts, toward all of the supplier's outstanding invoices within a specified date range. The allocation begins with the oldest invoice within the specified date range and progresses toward the most recent, until the Payment Amount is exhausted.
The date range for the bulk allocation is determined using the From Date and To Date calendar pickers that appear at the bottom of the Bulk Allocation Options window, once the Accounting Date toggle has been selected.
Bulk Allocations will not override any previous allocations, since they operate on the Balance Remaining to Allocate, rather than the Total Amount of the supplier payment. If further allocations are entered after a bulk allocation has been applied, they will be added to the Balance Remaining to Allocate and will need to be balanced by subtracting allocations elsewhere.
Zero Value Supplier Payments
Daily Activity > Supplier Payments
When a supplier has two or more transactions on their account with opposite balances (e.g. $100 and -$100) they can be allocated against each other by adding a supplier payment with an amount of $0.
A part is purchased from a supplier for $100 but later returned for a full refund. The supplier's account will show a $100 invoice and a -$100 credit note to the company. A new supplier payment could then be created with an amount of $0 and then the full amounts of the credit and the invoice could be allocated against each other, by editing the Allocation column of the payment's Allocations list. Since the combined values add up to $0, the Balance Remaining to Allocate will also be $0 and the payment can be committed.
Adding Invoices to the Allocations List
Daily Activity > Supplier Payments > [Supplier Payment] > Allocations
The Allocations list automatically shows all of a supplier's outstanding transactions.
Once an invoice has been balanced, or payments and credits have been completely allocated, and the relevant supplier payment is committed, they will be removed from the Allocations list for future supplier payments.
However, there may be times when invoices are accidentally closed, or payments and credits are incorrectly allocated, and need to be added back to the Allocations list in order to be correctly adjusted.
To add a closed invoice back onto the list, click on the Add action button to the top-right of the Allocations list.
The Add Transaction pop-up window will open, showing a list of closed invoices and transactions.
Clicking on a transaction and then clicking the Details button at the top-right of the Add Transaction window will open the View Supplier Transaction pop-up window, showing more detailed information about the transaction.
If a recently closed transaction does not appear on the list, click on the Refresh button at the top of the Add Transaction window to update the list of available transactions.
To add it back onto the Allocations list and return to the Allocations tab, select the desired transaction and then click on the Select button at the bottom right of the Add Transaction window.
The selected transaction will reappear on the Allocations list with no outstanding balance.
To make the original amount of the transaction available for allocation, enter the opposite amount in its Allocation column (e.g. if the original amount is $100, type -$100 in its allocation column).
The Balance Remaining to Allocate will then be increased or decreased by the original amount and can be re-allocated against another transaction on the Allocations list.
Committing Supplier Payments
Daily Activity > Supplier Payments > [Supplier Payment] > Allocations
To commit an allocation to the supplier's account, click on the Commit action button at the top of the Allocations tab.
The Supplier Payment pop-up window will open, containing lists for selecting the payment methods and document output types.
Once the payment and document delivery methods have been selected, click the Commit button at the bottom right of the pop-up window.
Once committed, the amount of the supplier payment, along with any allocations will be applied to the supplier’s account.
Once committed, supplier payments cannot be edited. If any adjustments need to be made, the supplier payment will need to be reversed and then adjustments can either be made to the reversed transaction, or by adding a new supplier payment in its place.
Cancelling Supplier Payments
Daily Activity > Supplier Payments
Open a Draft supplier payment from the supplier payments Search list.
At the top-right of the supplier payment window, click on the Cancel action button.
The Cancel pop-up window will open, asking to confirm the cancellation.
To cancel the supplier payment and return to the supplier payments Search window, click the Yes button at the bottom of the Cancel window.
Once cancelled, supplier payments can no longer be edited.
Reversing Supplier Payments
Daily Activity > Supplier Payments
Open a Completed supplier payment from the Supplier Payments Search list.
At the top-right of the Supplier Payment window, click on the Reverse action button.
The reversed payment will open on the Payment tab with the Amount reversed (e.g. an original Payment of $100 will now be listed as -$100).
The reversed payment can be edited and allocated, if desired, and then saved or committed as usual.