Merging Vehicles
  • 23 Jul 2024
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Merging Vehicles

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Article summary

Marlin Tyre and Mechanical Workshop Software enables the merging of vehicle master files to help manage vehicle information.

The merge process deactivates a selected vehicle within the Marlin system, and reassigns the records of their Customer Orders, Enquiries/Bookings and Follow-Ups to another existing vehicle within the Marlin system.

Attachments, Comments, Transactions and Archive Data, including Odometer readings will also be transferred to the merged vehicle, while still remaining associated with the deactivated one.

All other information will not be transferred and will remain with the original, deactivated vehicle, whose record can still be viewed by setting the Vehicles Search list filter to Inactive.


For users to merge vehicles, they must have the Merge Vehicles permission enabled.

Merging Vehicles

To merge a vehicle, first open the Vehicles Master File (which can be accessed by selecting Master Files > Customers > Vehicles from the menu bar).

The Vehicles module will open on the Search list, showing a list of active vehicles within the Marlin system.

Locate the vehicle you want to deactivate and merge into another and select it in the Search list.

With the vehicle selected, click on the Merge button at the top-right of the module window.



For vehicles to be merged, they must be active.

The Merge pop-up window will open, showing a list of vehicles the selected vehicle can be merged with.

Select the vehicle you want to merge the original vehicle with and click on the Select button at the bottom of the pop-up window.


Another Merge pop-up window will open, showing the details of the selected vehicles.


To merge the vehicles, click on the Merge button at the bottom-right of the pop-up window.

A pop-up window will open advising that the merge cannot be undone.


To complete the merge and return to the Search list, click on the Yes button at the bottom-right.


If attempting to merge a vehicle that has already been merged with another, an additional pop-up window will open, warning that the attachments, comments, transactions and archive data from both vehicles will become visible on all three.


To proceed with the merge, click on the Continue button at the bottom-right, which will open the list of vehicles to merge with.


Once merged, the Audit Logs for both vehicles will show which vehicle they have been merged with.


The From vehicle's transactions will be greyed out in the merged vehicle's transactions list, and the registration number will be blank.

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