Viewing and Editing
  • 07 Aug 2023
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Viewing and Editing

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Article summary

Marlin Tyre and Mechanical Workshop Software uses flexible records to efficiently store and manage information about different entities such as items, orders, customers and suppliers.

Records can also be linked to other records and modules within the Marlin system, enabling efficient data organisation and workshop operation.

Most Marlin records are presented in lists, from which they can be opened in either View or Edit mode.

Records opened in view mode cannot be edited and changes made in edit mode must be saved to take effect.

Viewing Records

Opening a record in View mode allows its information to be viewed but not edited.

To open a record in view mode, select it in the relevant list and click on the Open action button to the top right.



Records can also often be opened in view mode by double clicking them in the relevant list, or selecting them and pressing Enter on the keyboard.

For changes to be made to records, they will need to be in Edit mode.

Records already opened in view mode can be switched to edit mode by clicking the Edit action button at the top right of the module window.


To return the record to view mode, click on the View action button, which will have replaced the old edit button when switching to edit mode.



Users will be automatically prompted to save any unsaved changes when switching back from edit to view mode.

Editing Records

For changes to be made to records, they will need to be in Edit mode.

To open a record in Edit mode, select it in the relevant list and click on the Edit action button to the top right.



Records can also be opened in edit mode by selecting them in the relevant list and pressing F2 on the keyboard.

Records already opened in view mode can be switched to edit mode by clicking the Edit action button at the top right of the module window.


To return the record to view mode, click on the View action button, which will have replaced the old edit button when switching to edit mode.


To save a record's edits and return to the relevant search list, click on the Save action button to the top right of the module window.


Alternatively, to close a record return to the relevant search list without saving any changes, click on the Close action button to the top right of the module window.



Users will be automatically prompted to save any unsaved changes when closing records, switching to view mode or navigating between records.

Once opened in either view or edit mode, sequential records can be easily navigated between using the Next and Previous action buttons to the top right of the module window.

To navigate to the next record, click on the Next action button to the top right of the module window.


To navigate to the previous record, click on the Previous action button to the top right of the module window.



The sequence of records is determined by the order of the relevant list was sorted by when the record was opened. To change the sequence, close the record, re-sort the list as desired and then open the record again.

Records navigated to using the Previous and Next action buttons will also be opened in View or Edit mode depending on which mode the record being navigated away from is in.

If unsaved changes have been made to a record in edit mode, a pop-up window will prompt the user to save the changes when the Next or Previous action buttons are clicked.

Adding Records

Records can be added to most lists by clicking the Add action button to their top right.


Clicking the Add action button usually opens a new record or pop-up window containing a form for creating a new record.

For information about adding specific records, see the relevant Inform guides.


The Clone function makes it easy to add new records to a list. Rather than starting from scratch, simply select a similar entry that already exists, clone it and then edit the details of the new, cloned entry.

Cloning Records

The Clone function creates copies of existing records, which can then be edited and saved as a separate (but similar) record.

It is an easy way of adding similar records to lists without having to create them from scratch.

To clone a record, select it in the relevant list and click on the Clone action button to the top right.


The usual window for adding a new record will open, with the information of the clone's record already filled in.

Edit the cloned record with the information of the new record and then save the record as usual, by clicking the Save action button to the top right of the record window.


Marlin cannot contain records with identical codes, so exact clones of existing records cannot be saved without being edited.

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