Registration Issuers
  • 05 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Registration Issuers

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Article summary

Marlin Tyre and Mechanical Workshop Software enables efficient organisation of customer vehicles using registration issuers.

Registration issuers are an additional variable used within Megabus systems to distinguish between otherwise identical vehicle registrations.

Each vehicle registration added to the system therefore needs to be assosciated with a registration issuer and each registration and issuer combination must be unique.

Vehicle registration information can be edited and associated with registration issuers using the Registration History list of a vehicle's master file, or when adding or editing registration information via the business planner.

add master file link when it exists

Registration issuers can be viewed and edited by selecting System > Customers > Vehicles > Registration Issuers from the menu bar.


The Registration Issuers module will open on the Search window, showing a list of active registration issuers.



The default registration issuer when entering new vehicle information can be set using the CustomerAsset.DefaultRegistrationIssuer branch setting (which can be accessed by selecting System > Company > Settings from the menu bar and clicking on the Branch Settings tab at the top of the module window.


Adding Registration Issuers

To add a new registration issuer, click on the Add action button to the top-right of the Registration Issuers Search list.


The Registration Issuer Add window will open on the Details tab, containing a form for adding a new registration issuer.


In the Name textbox, enter the name of the registration issuer.

Leave the Active checkbox ticked to enable the new registration issuer within the Marlin system.

To save the new registration issuer and return to the search list, click on the Save action button to the top right of the module window.

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