Marlin 5.0.46
  • 06 Sep 2023
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Marlin 5.0.46

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Article summary

Marlin 5.0.46 - Patch 1

Released: 7/3/2023

Notable Fixes

BLUE-6878 – Supplier Orders: Fixed issue with opening credit notes from the supplier inbox.

Marlin 5.0.46

Released: 06/03/2023

Marlin Inform

BLUE-6436 – Settings: The Marlin Inform option in the Help menu now links to this Inform website.

Support tickets, Inform guides, FAQs and release notes are now hosted on this Inform website, which can be accessed as usual from within Marlin, by selecting Help > Marlin Inform from the menu bar.

The Inform home page can be accessed by clicking on the Marlin logo to the top right, or from any device using the URL

Customer Booking Comments

BLUE-6335 – Business Planner: Comments tabs have been added to the Business Planner.

BLUE-6373 – Customer Orders: Comments tabs have been added to Customer Orders.

BLUE-6399 – Customers Master File: Comments tabs have been added to customer master files.

BLUE-6379 – Users: A Notification Destination setting has been added to User profiles for future implantation with booking comments.

Comments can now be added to customer bookings by clicking on the Comments tab at the top of the Add Enquiry/Add Booking pop-up window.

Booking comments will also appear and can be added to the new Comments tab of all associated customer orders.

All of the comments added to a Customer's bookings can be viewed in the new **Comments **tab of their Customer Master File.

A Notification Destination setting has been added to the user settings, to specify which users will receive comment notifications.

See the Business Planner Inform guide for more detail.

Business Planner Search

BLUE-5995 – Business Planner: A Search tab has been added to the Business Planner.

The new Business Planner Search tab allows current and previous bookings to be easily located by searching for customer and vehicle information.

See the Business Planner Inform guide for more detail.


BLUE-6145 – Supplier Payments: Approvals have been introduced for supplier payments.

BLUE-6146 – Journal Entries: Approvals have been introduced for journal entries.

Permissions can now be edited so that only specific user roles can commit supplier payments and journal entries.

The Commit action button will be disabled for users without the relevant permissions, who will instead need to click on the Submit action button to forward them for approval.

See the Supplier Payment Approvals and Journal Entry Approvals Inform guides for more detail.

Surcharges and Cash Out

BLUE-6202 – Customer Orders: Surcharges can now be added to EFTPOS and credit provider payments on customer orders.

BLUE-6204 – Customer Orders: Cash out can now be added to EFTPOS and credit provider payments on customer orders.

**Settings **have been added to allow surcharges and cash out to be added to EFTPOS and credit provider payments on customer orders.

Once the settings have been enabled, surcharges or cash out amounts can be added to the Payment Methods window during invoicing.

See the Surcharges and Cash Out Inform guides for more detail.


BLUE-6308 – Customer Orders: Accreditations can now be configured to appear on customer documents.

Accreditations, such as Motor Vehicle Repairer License numbers, can now be configured to appear on Quote, Sales Order, Job Card, Customer Invoice and Customer Credit documents.

See the Accreditations Inform guide for more detail.

HR Integration

BLUE-5945 – External API: Marlin HR integration has been added.

Marlin Tyre and Mechanical Workshop Software can now be configured so that pay runs from Marlin HR are sent directly to the** Journals Inbox**, to be directly committed to the General Ledger.

To set up Marlin HR integration, please contact your Megabus Account Manager.

Other Enhancements

BLUE-6231 – Customer Assets: Customer vehicle information can now be edited by selecting a vehicle from the Vehicles tab of the Customers Master File.

BLUE-6197– Customer Orders: Sales order documents now show more detailed deposit information.

BLUE-6293 – Customer Orders: Registration, Vehicle Type and Customer fields are now printed on all Job Card documents, even if unspecified on the customer order.

BLUE-6215 – Customer Statements: A "none" option has been added to the Customer Statement Format options.

BLUE-6490 – Journals: Supplier details can now be added to journal entries.

BLUE-6104 – Business Planner: When adding or updating vehicle ownership, a list of current vehicle owners is now shown in the Clarify Owner pop-up window.

BLUE-6265 – Reporting: An Invoice Count option has been added to the Sales Report.

BLUE-6170 – Reporting: A Detailed Item Sales Report has been to the Report Centre.

BLUE-6256 – Supplier Catalogues: The Supplier Catalogues Master File Search list now displays all active supplier catalogue items before a catalogue group is selected. The Catalogue Price List tab is now disabled until a supplier catalogue is selected.

BLUE-6026 – Supplier Orders: Warranty claims can now be added to regular supplier purchase orders.

BLUE-6191 – Supplier Orders: Lot item purchasing has been streamlined.

BLUE-6311 – Supplier Orders: A cost mismatch tolerance has been introduced for supplier invoices received via the Supplier Inbox.

Notable Fixes

BLUE-6254 – Business Planner: Resolved a discrepancy of Catalogue Item Names between Catalog Maintenance and Enquiries.

BLUE-6729 – Item Master File: Fixed an issue when editing item reorder levels.

BLUE-6272 - Customer Master File: Fixed an issue when selecting reporting groups for a new customer.

BLUE-6736 - Customer Master File: Fixed an issue when sorting customer Master Files using the Has Account column.

BLUE-6259 – Customer Orders: Fixed an issue when outputting multiple invoices for a single customer order.

BLUE-6295 – Customer Orders: Fixed an issue with displaying deposit details on customer invoices.

BLUE-6393 – Customer Orders: Fixed an issue with Gross Profit Margin warnings for warranty claims.

BLUE-6728 – Item Master File: Fixed an issue when importing items that have preferred suppliers.

BLUE-6346 – Planner: Fixed an issue when cancelling enquiries that have already been invoiced.

BLUE-6584 – Reporting: Fixed an issue with Outstanding Supplier Transactions Reports.

BLUE-6735– Customer Orders: Fixed an issue when invoicing customer orders that have blank quantities.

BLUE-6761– Customer Orders: Fixed an issue with trade-in errors when invoicing customer orders.

BLUE-6438 – Reporting: Fixed an issue with Sales Analysis Net Invoice Count.

BLUE-6588 – Supplier Payments: Fixed an issue when committing discounted $0 supplier payments.

BLUE-6350 – Transaction Explorer: Fixed an issue when selecting supplier invoices in the Transaction Explorer.

BLUE-6810 – Tax Report: Fixed an issue with Cash BAS invoice amounts.

BLUE-6647– Web Bookings: Fixed an issue with searching for customer codes with plus symbols in them.

BLUE-6104 – Web Bookings: Fixed an issue with searching for customer codes with apostrophes in them.

BLUE-6407 – Item Master File: Fixed an issue with reorder levels for non-Average Cost items.

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