Marlin 5.0.45
  • 06 Sep 2023
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Marlin 5.0.45

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Article summary

Marlin 5.0.45 – Patch 6

Released: 14/12/2022

Notable Fixes

BLUE-6563 – Master Files: Fixed issues when searching by name in customer and item master files.

Marlin 5.0.45 – Patch 5

Released: 7/12/2022

Notable Fixes

BLUE-6572 – Client: Fixed issue with Java update.

Marlin 5.0.45 – Patch 4

Released: 14/11/2022

Notable Fixes

BLUE-6343 – Customer Orders: Fixed issue with customer order Items not appearing on printed Invoices.

BLUE-6404 – Credit Provider Payments: Fixed issue with $0 credit provider payments.

BLUE-6359 – External API: Fixed issue with Web Booking API not assigning sales people.

BLUE-6405 – Item Maintenance: Fixed issue with item Imports giving Null Pointer exceptions when not using a Database ID.

Marlin 5.0.45 – Patch 3

Released: 7/11/2022

Notable Fixes

BLUE-6305 – Business Planner: Fixed issue with refresh interval.

BLUE-6302 – Customer Orders: Fixed error when printing multiple Invoices for a single customer order.

BLUE-6342 – Item Maintenance: Fixed error when importing item reorder levels.

Marlin 5.0.45 – Patch 2

Released: 14/10/2022

Notable Fixes

BLUE-6279 – Business Planner: Fixed issue with Enquiry Description character limits.

BLUE- 6290 – Supplier Orders: Fixed issue with invoicing supplier orders from the Supplier Inbox.

Marlin 5.0.45 – Patch 1

Released: 13/10/2022


BLUE-6284 – Customer Orders: "Refund Deposit" relabelled "Deposit Refund".

Notable Fixes

BLUE-6273 – Supplier Orders: Fixed issue with committing supplier invoices where the supplier has a payee.

BLUE-6274 – Supplier Orders: Fixed issue with committing supplier inbox transactions where there is a cost mismatch.

BLUE-6285 – Supplier Orders: Fixed issue with committing supplier invoices where the credit status is Cash Only.

Marlin 5.0.45

Released: 10/10/2022

Item Explorer Markups

BLUE-5976 – Item Explorer: A "?" icon has been added next to the Sell Price field in the Item Explorer's Details tab to show how the sell price of the item is calculated. Previously, the calculations for an item's sell price could be viewed in the Item Explorer by hovering the mouse over the Sell Price field. Now, the calculation can be viewed by hovering the mouse over the new "?" icon to the right of the field, making this functionality more obvious and accessible.


Deposit Refunds

BLUE-6074 – Customer Orders: A specific Deposit Refund document has been added for printing, giving customers greater detail about the Deposit Refund. To print the Deposit Refund document, select a Deposit Refund transaction in a relevant list and click on the Print action button to the top right.


Stocktake Quantity Control

BLUE-6036 – Stocktake: An option has been added to include or exclude Qty on Hand column when printing a Stocktake report, in order to improve accuracy and facilitate greater flexibility during stocktakes. The Qty on Hand column is excluded by default and can be enabled by ticking the Print Qty on Hand checkbox in the pop-up Print window.


Other Enhancements

BLUE-6053 – Client: Updated Teamviewer remote support link.

BLUE-6144 – Client / Megalink / User Maintenance: Centralised email creation and added user email address field.

BLUE-6099 – Customer Orders: Added a lined section for hand-written notes to the Job Card.

BLUE-6096 – Customer Maintenance: Added option to include Created Date field on Customers export.

BLUE-6073 – Customer Orders: Added deposit information to Customer Orders printout.

BLUE-6211 – Customer Orders: Added hint text for promotion filter options.

BLUE-6178 – Customer Orders: Added prompt to refund deposit when cancelling customer orders.

BLUE-6174 – Customer Orders: Relabelled "Total Deposit" as "Deposit Available" on customer orders.

BLUE-6045 – Customer Orders: Improved the layout of Customer Order's Information tab.

BLUE-6135 – Customer Orders: Can now create invoices for customer orders with deposits for an account customer.

BLUE-6131 – Customer Orders: Can now do a customer credit for average cost items where Qty on Hand is zero.

BLUE-6037 – Customer Orders: Manual discounts are now allowed for Items with a recommended sell price of zero.

BLUE-6025 – Database Upgrade: Date and time values are now stored with time zone information.

BLUE-5825 – Integration Activity: Added Database Dyno CRM marketing integration.

BLUE-6223 – Item Maintenance: Editing the technician on an invoiced order now saves the revised technician.

BLUE-6005 – Journal Entry: Inbox tab added to the Journal Entry Search window for future use with payroll integration.

BLUE-6126 – Planner: Editing customer orders is now only allowed when the status is Quote.

BLUE-6083 – Stocktake: Improved Stocktake report appearance and readability.

BLUE-5999 – Supplier Orders: Added permission to control whether users can add GL accounts to a supplier order.

BLUE-6107 – Supplier Orders: Added option to restrict duplicate supplier transaction reference numbers.

BLUE-6241 – User Maintenance: Added print options when refunding a deposit.

Notable Fixes

BLUE-6173 – Customer Orders: Fixed error when adding discount rules.

BLUE-6138 – Partner Maintenance: Fixed an issue with access to Megalink logs.

BLUE-6169 – Promotions: Fixed error when adding promotions to a customer order.

BLUE-6142 – Supplier Orders: Fixed an issue with printing a supplier claim order with a rebate.

BLUE-6076 – Supplier Orders: Fixed error when crediting a supplier that has a payee.

BLUE-6060 – Tax Report: Fixed error when opening cash BAS reports.

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