Current Release
  • 05 Dec 2024
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Current Release

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Article summary

Marlin 5.1.10


Feature Highlights

Automatic Follow-Ups

BLUE-7859 - Customer Orders: Simplified follow-ups creation and added automatic notification functionality.
BLUE-7494 - Business Planner: Added Follow-Ups tab to Add Booking/Enquiry window.

In addition to regular follow-up reminders, automatic follow-up messages can now be scheduled and sent directly to customers via SMS or email, to remind them when additional services are due.


Automatic follow-ups can be turned on by enabling the Followup.EnableNotifications enterprise Setting.

Once enabled, separate customer message templates for automated email and SMS follow-ups can be set using the Followup.Notification.sms and enterprise settings.

See the Automatic Follow-Ups Inform Guide for further details.

  • add to follow-ups doc?

Enhanced Stocktake Sorting

BLUE-8028 - Stocktake: Enhanced stocktake to allow better sorting options.

Item field columns can now be added to and used to sort stocktake lists.


The way the columns are sorted now also determines the order they appear in on printed tally sheets.


To create a stocktake tally sheet that is sorted by size:

  • Add an Item Field/Size column to the stocktake list,
  • Sort the stocktake item list by the new Size column,
  • then Print.

See the Stocktakes Inform Guide for further details.

Clearer Promotion Visibility

BLUE-5097 - Item Explorer: Highlight Promotional Items in Item Explorer.
BLUE-8086 - Menu: Re-positioned Promotions module in menus.

The Promotions Master File menu has been moved to Master Files > Items > Promotions, to make it easier to locate.


Promotional items are now also highlighted in green in the Item Explorer to help better support supplier and customer orders.

See the Promotions Inform Guide for further details.

Relaxed Notification Reminders

BLUE-7962 - Business Planner: Added Disable for This Booking checkbox for booking notifications.

Notification reminders can now be disabled for individual bookings, by ticking the new Disable for this Booking checkbox in the Booking Notifications pop-up window.


This will also prevent the pop-up from opening again, if the booking is rescheduled.

If necessary, notification reminders can be re-enabled for a booking by opening it from the Business Planner and clicking on the new Booking Notifications button to the top-right of the Edit Details window.


See the Booking Notifications Inform Guide for further details.

Automatic Subsidiary Supplier Orders

Could drop

BLUE-8010 - Intercompany Purchasing: Added setting to automatically create customer order when receiving or invoicing from subsidiary suppliers.

Multi-company Enterprise systems can now be configured to automatically create the corresponding customer order at the supplying branch, when a subsidiary order is received or invoiced, without needing to click Submit.

To turn on automatic customer order creation for subsidiary suppliers, enable the InterCompanyPurchasing.AutoCreateCustomerOrdersWhenReceiving branch setting for the supplying branch.


See the Intercompany Purchasing Inform Guide for further details.

update/pull out Branch Settings doc

Other Enhancements

BLUE-8054 - Customer Maintenance: Enlarged Business Customer Communication consent table.
BLUE-7933 - Customer Orders: Can now edit Customer Reference field in the Order Details tab of a customer order.
BLUE-7937 - Till Payments: Added "Unknown" as a failed status for Till Payments integration partner.
BLUE-8058 - Supplier Orders/Supplier Master Files: Added Local Costing Access checkbox to suppliers, to work with Local Costing Access permission (replaces Cash Supplier Access).
BLUE-8099 - Customer Orders: Added Report.CustomerInvoice.Orientation company setting to force portrait orientation of customer order documents, even if a discount column is included.

Notable Fixes

BLUE-7922 - Bank Reconciliation Module: Bank reconciliation field displays when font size is increased.
BLUE-7462 - Customer Orders: Customer credits for items with a Percentage of Sale Cost costing method.
BLUE-7909 - Customer Orders: Invoicing quotes without technicians when technician is mandatory.
BLUE-8134 - Customer Orders: Opening a customer order when a new lot was created without a unit cost.
BLUE-7936 - Customer Orders: Saving orders after creating a follow-up.
BLUE-8009 - Customer Orders: Adding items with subsidiaries as their preferred supplier to customer orders.
BLUE-8135 - Customer Orders: Removing catalogue codes from customer orders.
BLUE-8024 - Journal Entry: Committing cloned journals between suppliers.
BLUE-7921 - Planner: Alignment of dates in Business Planner calendar.
BLUE-8059 - Planner: Doing LPN lookup for registrations with spaces.
BLUE-8111 - Repco Integration: Using Repco Navigator from an enquiry.
BLUE-7980 - Stocktake: Using a stocktake Item Field filter.
BLUE-8004 - Supplier Orders: Opening supplier inbox invoices with catalogue codes for inactive items.
BLUE-8022 - Supplier Orders: Adding a negative account line on a supplier credit.
BLUE-8129 - Supplier Orders: Fixed missing dictionary key for Consignment In error.
BLUE-8147 - Item Maintenance: Adjusting quantities for closed lots.

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