- 23 Sep 2024
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- Updated on 23 Sep 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
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Marlin Tyre and Mechanical Workshop Software's integration with Podium enables centralised review requests and other follow-up marketing communications to be sent to customers customers.
Podium is an online platform for managing customer communications, including review requests, follow-up enquiries, and other marketing communications.
Once enabled, Marlin will automatically send contact and order information to Podium whenever a customer order is invoiced.
Customer communications, including review requests, can then be managed using the Podium portal as usual.
To enable Podium integration within Marlin, please contact the Megabus Support Team.
For assistance using Podium, please consult the official Podium Help Centre.
Customer Marketing
If Podium integration is enabled, Marlin will automatically send contact and order information (including branch, invoice number, contact name, email address and mobile number) to Podium whenever a customer order is invoiced.
Marlin will also send information about whether the customer's contact methods allow marketing, as indicated by marketing preferences.
Podium will ignore contacts where the Allow Marketing checkbox is unticked. However, the associated customer and order information will still be forwarded to Podium whenever their orders are invoiced.
Whether the Allow Marketing checkbox is ticked or not for new contacts and contact methods can be changed by editing the ContactMethodValue.DefaultAllowMarketing company setting.
If Podium integration is enabled, the allow marketing checkbox can be enabled by default and then unticked when requested by specific contacts, or as otherwise required.
To prevent spamming customers, Podium will not send another review invite if the customer has already been sent one in the last 60 days. Therefore, if an order needs to be reversed or re-invoiced in Marlin, the customer will not receive multiple marketing communications.
Business Customer Marketing
The Podium integration will only send contact information to Podium for individual, "Person" customers by default, rather than Business customers, who are usually communicated with regularly.
Marlin's Podium integration can also be configured to automatically send contact and order information to Podium for Business customers, whenever one of their orders is invoiced.
To enable the sending of business customer information to Podium, open the Podium integration partner in Edit mode and tick the Include Business Customers checkbox in the Settings list at the bottom.
For business customers, the contact information sent to podium will be for the contact selected in the Select Customer tab of the relevant customer order, and so will not always be the business's primary contact.
Podium Dashboard - not ready yet
New menu option under Daily Activity will be available when the Podium integration partner is set up.