  • 28 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

The Favourites Toolbar sits at the top of the screen between the Menu bar and the Navigator icons.


It consists of up to 9 shortcut buttons, each of which opens the program featured on the button. It's purpose is to enable you to instantly access the programs that you use most frequently, without having to navigate the drop down menus.

The Favourites Toolbar can be customised differently on each PC. This can be handy when different computers are used for different functions. For example, the Payroll Officer may maintain the payroll on one PC and a Manager may run HR reports on another PC.

Customising the Favourites Toolbar

From the menu toolbar, select Favourites > Organise Favourites.

The Organise Favourites screen will be displayed.


Clear a Favourite button

Before adding a new Favourite you must ensure that there is a blank position on the Favourites bar for it.

Click on the button to be cleared in the Favourites panel (right side) and then click on the image.png button.

Add a new Favourite

Click on the blank Favourites position (right panel) that you would like to use for the new Favourite (e.g. position 8 in the example above).
Select the new Program (left panel) and then click on the image.png button to store the new program in the Favourites position you selected.

Change the order of your Favourites

Select the Favourite to be moved (right panel) and then click on the Up or Down arrows to change its position (1 = left end of Favourites bar, 9 = right end of Favourites bar).

Save your Changes

When finished, click on OK to save the changes (or Cancel to discard them).

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