Log a Support Ticket
    • 17 May 2024
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    Log a Support Ticket

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    Article summary

    Click Here to Log a Support Ticket Now

    Answers to most Marlin GTX questions can be answered by reading the Inform Guides.

    Other software and some hardware issues (depending on coverage), can be raised with the Megabus Support Team by submitting a Support Ticket.

    Support Tickets can be logged using the Marlin Client Portal, which can be accessed by selecting Help > Log a Support Call from the GTX menu bar or clicking here.



    If you are prompted for a username/password and don't know what they are, please email support@megabus.com.au with a subject line of "Cannot Log into Client Portal".

    By default, the Marlin Client Portal shows the following widgets:

    • Welcome, which shows the current user and contains links to refresh the portal and access separate client portal help documentation.
    • Search, which can be used to find tickets by title, description, or ticket number.
    • Tickets, which shows information about open and closed tickets as well as options to submit a new support ticket.
    • Open Tickets, which shows information about support tickets that are still being addressed by the Megabus Support Team.
    • Tickets Created and Completed by Month, which shows a graph of the support tickets created and completed in the last month.
    • Open Tickets by Request Type, which shows a doughnut graph of open tickets, organised by type.

    For further support using the Marlin Client Portal, click on the question mark icon in the top-right of the Welcome box to access the Datto Client Portal Help windows.

    Logging Support Tickets

    Help > Log a Support Call > Client Portal

    Support tickets are electronic records of service requests that have been submitted to the Megabus Support Team.

    Open tickets are currently being addressed by the Megabus Support Team.

    Closed tickets have already been resolved by the Megabus Support Team, but can still be viewed or reopened if necessary.

    The types of support tickets that can be logged are:

    • General Request, for any issue not covered by the other types of Support Ticket.
    • Hardware Issue, for issues relating to hardware malfunctions (e.g. printer malfunction, slow computer).

    The amount of hardware support the Megabus Support Team are able to offer will vary depending on your Hardcare agreement.

    • Sales / Quote Requests, to request purchase information (e.g. for new services, users or replacement hardware).
    • Site Down / Cannot Trade, for issues (including software issues) where Marlin cannot connect to a database, preventing trading.

    Selecting this option sets the support ticket status as a critical priority.

    • Software Issue, for software related issues (e.g. errors, programs not behaving as expected).

    Logging New Support Ticket

    Help > Log a Support Call > Client Portal

    In the Tickets box, click on New Ticket.

    The New Ticket pop-up window will open.

    Use the Request Type drop-down menu, select the type of support ticket to be submitted.

    Once the type of support ticket is selected, click on the Continue button below.

    The Service Request form for the type of support ticket will open in a pop-up window.

    Fill out the details for the service request as they relate to your issue.


    Text boxes marked with a red asterisk * are mandatory and need to be completed before the support ticket can be submitted.

    In the Title of the service request, please mention any significant loss of functionality (e.g. "Can't invoice" , "Can't print" or "Marlin down"), to ensure appropriate prioritisation.

    To submit the support ticket to the Megabus Support Team, click the Save Ticket button at the bottom right of the Service Request window.

    A member of the Megabus Support Team will contact you as soon as possible.


    When responding to instructional ("How do I...") support requests, the Megabus Support Team may direct you to the relevant Inform guide. If it is preferable to wait for a Megabus Support Team member to call and talk through the process over the phone, please say so in the Description section of the support ticket.

    Adding Attachments to a Support Ticket

    Help > Log a Support Call > Client Portal > New Ticket

    To include an attachment with a support ticket, click on the Save & Attach File button next to the Save button when submitting a support ticket.

    The New Ticket Attachments pop-up window will open, which can be used to add an attachment to the service request.


    The support ticket will be submitted to the Megabus Support Team as soon as the Save & Attach File is clicked, before any attachments are uploaded.

    At the bottom of the New Ticket Attachments window is a The Files to Add section, which shows a list of the attachments to be included with the new support ticket.

    Individual attachments can be removed by clicking the red cross to the left of the attachment to be removed in the Files to Add list.

    Once the desired attachments have been selected, click on Save & Close at the top of the New Ticket Attachments window to attach the files to the new support ticket and return to the ticket window.

    Files attached to a support ticket are displayed in the bottom right of the bottom right of the Ticket Details window.

    Open Support Tickets

    Help > Log a Support Call > Client Portal

    The number and types of open support tickets are displayed in the Tickets box of the Marlin Client Support Portal.

    Clicking on any of the ticket numbers or categories in the Ticket window will open the list of tickets for the selected category:

    • Open Tickets are currently being addressed by the Megabus Support Team.
    • New Tickets have been received but are yet to be addressed by the Megabus Support Team.
    • Waiting My Approval all tickets containing a change request where the user's approval is required.
    • Where I Am Contact are tickets (new, open and closed) where the current user is listed as any type of contact.
    • Created By Me are tickets (new, open and closed) created by the current user.
    • Waiting My Feedback are tickets where additional feedback has been requested by the Megabus Support Team and the user is listed as a contact.

    The Open Tickets List

    Help > Log a Support Call > Client Portal

    Open tickets are shown in the Open Tickets List to the right of the Tickets box.

    The buttons to the top-right of the Open Tickets list can be used to filter the types of tickets displayed:

    • All shows all Open tickets.
    • My shows only Open tickets created by the current user.
    • Waiting My Approval shows all tickets with a change request awaiting approval.

    Clicking on a ticket in the Open Tickets list opens the Ticket Details window for that ticket.


    Tickets listed as Next to Go in the Open Tickets list are currently at the top of the Megabus Support Team queue. More urgent issues may be addressed first, however.

    Clicking on View All at the bottom the Open Tickets list opens the All Open Tickets window.

    Information about Open and Completed tickets is also provided by the Open Tickets by Request Types and Tickets Created and Completed by Month graphs.

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