GTX 5.4.2
    • 10 Jan 2024
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    GTX 5.4.2

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    Article summary




    GTX-28830 - Business Planner Allow bookings to be made / changed when EOD/EOM must be run.

    GTX-28603 - Global: Enforce EOD and EOM being run before trading.

    GTX-28784 - AutoTracker: Update existing vehicle instance rather than creating a new one when enforcing Vehicle from Vehicle Index Master.

    GTX-28793 - Stock Search: Allowing sorting of stock search results by other Added Branch Qtys Columns.

    GTX-28810 - Invoice/Purchase Entry: Add the ability to clone properties from an existing stock master product when purchasing specific cost items.

    Notable Fixes

    GTX-28842 - AutoTracker: In the planner you are unable to save tracker details after deleting a customer reminder.

    GTX-28800 - AutoTracker: When a vehicle is selected from the Vehicle Index master in invoice entry, all attributes are not loaded as expected.

    GTX-28827 - Invoice Entry: In Invoice Entry, if you attempt to press F10 while the prices Window is open gives an abnormal program termination.

    GTX-28840 - Invoice Entry: Edit and Saving a Work Order is slow to load and save.

    GTX-28849 - Invoice Entry: Web Inbox planner item work order print dialog is compressed so you cannot see all the printer options.

    GTX-28813 - Purchase Entry: When selecting a SC item and you are forced to clone an existing Product, the system is not calculating the correct sell price and Fitment is not passing through for invoicing Trade-ins.

    GTX-28806 - Purchase/Purchase Order Entry: When selecting a SC item and you are forced to clone an existing Product, don't allow the user to manually adjust the description.

    GTX-28820 - Stock Search: Abnormal program termination error when running standalone stock search.




    GTX-28766 - Business Planner: Add a fillable indicator to the Resource Planner tab in Business Planner.

    GTX-28747 - EFTPOS: Till Payments physical terminal Integration.

    GTX-28680 - Package Maintenance: Package statistics is not showing any data.

    Notable Fixes

    GTX-28694 - AutoTracker: When you are entering a work order you can't save if not all enforcements are filled in.

    GTX-28771 - Web Service: Requesting a customer transaction PDF be emailed from the Marlin Web Service can hang.




    GTX-28597 - Business Planner: Send Work Order changes to Head Office live.

    GTX-28653 - Business Planner: Allow enforcing of Vehicle from Vehicle Index Master.

    GTX-28689 - Invoice Entry: Pass registration and state to Repco Navigator Pro Quote.

    GTX-28564 - Reports: Payments Due Report Supplier/Customer List Usability Enhancements.

    Notable Fixes

    GTX-28594 - AutoTracker: Issue searching for Mazda 6 in Vehicle Index.

    GTX-28600 - Business Planner: When searching inside the planner if searching for Vehicle and Owner, the owner tab is not populating Vehicle details.

    GTX-28720 - Business Planner: Planner taking over 35 seconds to open the task list.

    GTX-28277 - Health Check: Add "grouping" column output to Phocas Health Check CSV extract.

    GTX-28622 - Location Transfer Entry: In Location transfers reorder product selection should only stock with SOH.

    GTX-28578 - Manage Customers: Error merging two customers who both have documents overrides fails with a duplicate key.

    GTX-28657 - Manage Customers/Suppliers: When adding a contact outside of contact maintenance, the system needs to generate MCD when you select OK.

    GTX-28618 - Manage Suppliers: When searching from the main window system gives an error if you don't have EOY data.

    GTX-28648 - Printing: Thermal printing of invoices/credits and work orders fails if a vehicle has TGP properties.

    GTX-28614 - Stock Transfer: PreviousUnits recalculator calculates zero for all PrevTrfUnits fields.

    GTX-28722 - Stock Search: Enterprise sell price causes many line-by-line searches in stock search.

    GTX-28596 - Web Service: Avoid the Marlin Web Service restarting its Worker during shutdown.




    GTX-28526 - Business Planner: Add system option to restrict the date range of Web inbox items shown in the planner.

    GTX-28518 - Business Planner: When opening a planner booking with a TrackerServiceItem or Trackercustomer that is Pending don't display a warning about ID not found.

    GTX-28553 - Consignment Stock: Output extra fields for printing to Consignment Stock Out and Returns.

    GTX-28455 - Invoice Entry: Output bin locations to Customer credit notes.

    GTX-28454 - Journal/Stock Adjustment Entry: In Quick stock adjustment, bin movement entry and journal entry, add Qty on Hand column column to Bin Code picker.

    Notable Fixes

    GTX-28517 - AutoTracker: Searching in Tracker Enquiry gives errors when Enterprise is offline.

    GTX-28546 - AutoTracker: Unable to merge TrackerServiceItem records: Unable to read all records from TrkCustSrvItem file MCD errors.

    GTX-28499 - Business Planner: Remove empty columns in the planner search grid.

    GTX-28552 - Invoice/Purchase Order Entry: When creating a purchase order within the work order even-numbered line items are selected for the purchase order odds line items are not.

    GTX-28484 - Stock Search: When searching for a product code in the product field in invoicing or workorder you are limited to one character to search.

    GTX-28554 - Stock Search: When using enterprise Sell Price, Stock Search is not refreshing the selected Home Branch when updating a Customer.

    GTX-28562 - Web Service: Error in the planner when opening booking when enterprise is offline.

    GTX-28344 - Web Service: Specials filter not working correctly on Shopping Cart.



    Notable Fixes

    GTX-28498 - Web Service: Enterprise connection timeout setting does not work.

    GTX 5.4.2



    GTX-28418 - Autotracker: Reduce Enterprise Timeout when MWS is offline.

    GTX-28443 - Consignment Stock Out: Consignment stock out printing to include bin quantity information.

    GTX-28349 - Dispatch: In dispatch allowing filtering and sorting by Fillable.

    GTX-28410 - Invoice/Dispatch: When selecting Bin Code, add QOH Column to the picker.

    GTX-28404 - Invoice/Purchase Entry: When you select the bin qty selector you can't click the plus button on the last line.

    GTX-28411 - Dispatch: Total Weight and Volume values shown on Picking Slip.

    GTX-28441 - Dispatch: Allow carrier and priority information to print on a picking slip.

    GTX-28428 - Invoice Entry, Receipt Entry: When cancelling an e-commerce work order with a deposit, add order number to the refund description.

    Notable Fixes

    GTX-28419 - Business Planner: Planner enquiry cannot be saved - save button is not enabled.

    GTX-28463 - Business Planner: Planner TaskList columns not showing correctly.

    GTX-28480 - Business Planner: Column headers and data do not align.

    GTX-28466 - Communications: Maintenance Modify MCD is failing with Index Fields not specified.

    GTX-28409 - Consignment Stock Out: Bin edit icon missing.

    GTX-28356 - Invoice Entry: In invoice Entry the Start price is incorrectly updated when reloading a Work Order.

    GTX-28405 - InboxProcessor: Inbox processor is giving Btrieve error 5 when exporting a Customer Master record with a Contact.

    GTX-28430 - Manage Customers: Make Automatically adding a Contact email address to document delivery dialogue switchable.

    GTX-28442 - Manage Products: You can't revalue some products in Specific cost maintenance.

    GTX-28378 - Navigator: MarlinGTX status bar does not indicate new dispatch items have been received when WebInboxWarnInterval = 0.

    GTX-28400 - Receipt Entry: In receipt entry at a centralised head office, the deposit order number is not showing for transactions from a branch.

    GTX-28415 - Transaction Update: In the planner when there is a Null date don't display bookings.

    GTX-28412 - Utilities: Gracefully handle missing NOT NULL database column constraints.

    GTX-28365 - Web Service: Reduce Marlin Web Service memory usage.

    GTX-28458 - Web Service: Marlin Web Service logs the wrong contact details after password authentication.

    GTX-28253 - Web Service: Concurrent calls to the Marlin Web Service can become very slow.

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