GTX 5.6.1 - Tickets
    • 29 Aug 2024
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    GTX 5.6.1 - Tickets

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    Article summary

    Marlin GTX

    GTX-30214 -Marlin Web Service: WSDL requests handled by the Marlin Web Service are returning zero length responses.

    Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

    Marlin GTX


    GTX-29948 - Stock Search: Package and package information are now shown in Stock Search.
    GTX-30010 - Stock Transfer: A limit to branch transfer imports has been added to avoid hanging.
    GTX-30012 - Stock Transfer: Branch filter criteria have been added to reorder level calculators for stock transfer requests.
    GTX-30015 - Stock Transfer: A Show All Branches option has been added to the Enter Transfer Request list, allowing branch details to be edited in bulk.

    Notable Fixes

    GTX-29894 - Business Planner: Salespeople are now cleared when creating a new booking in the Business Planner.
    GTX-29973 - Invoice Entry: Fixed Issue with submitting negative or decimal quantities to Till Payments transaction summary.
    GTX-29980 - Business Planner: Fixed Issue with selecting default resources in the Resource Planner.
    GTX-29988 - Stock Transfer: The queue entry number is now automatically cleared for stock transfer items.

    Marlin GTX

    Notable Fixes

    GTX-29877 - Business Planner: Fixed issue with invoice number fields.
    GTX-29843 - Global: The default DPI awareness setting has been set to "Unaware".

    Marlin GTX

    Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

    Marlin GTX

    Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

    Marlin GTX


    GTX-29769 - Invoice Entry: EzyParts now uses the full container quantity for reordering, rather than the liquid quantity.

    Marlin GTX


    GTX-29507: Allow name of task list to be configurable.
    GTX-29508: Allow the information shown in the resource planner's tool tip to be configurable.
    GTX-29586: Reduce the frequency of UI refreshing and database queries from the SMS message frame.
    GTX-29617: When accepting a Quote in the planner make the date field fields editable.
    GTX-29621: Inbox processor is failing to merge an inactive tracker service item.
    GTX-29624: Access violation when running Import Tracker.
    GTX-29639: Allow searching of vehicle database with 2 characters.
    GTX-29664: The 1st time you open EZYPARTS does not accept Login details.
    GTX-29665: Allow a default supplier to be selected for a EZYPARTS purchase Order.
    GTX-29674: Improve search functionality in resource planner.
    GTX-29675: Reduce flickering when refreshing resource planner.
    GTX-29686: Add a switch for the path to the resource planner item text template.
    GTX-29687: Megalink to automatically refresh config details.
    GTX-29689: Banking enquiry is displaying an incorrect value for Cash.
    GTX-29690: Improve message when attempting to credit a SC Item.
    GTX-29706: Improve loading speed of the Work Order frame.
    GTX-29719: Allow modify e-commerce order confirmation message to be configurable.

    Notable Fixes

    GTX-28307: Copying modules into the EOY folder is extremely slow.
    GTX-29599: When selling retreading Tickets by ticket number the sell price is incorrect.
    GTX-29647: Using multiple links in an SMS causes an abnormal program termination.
    GTX-29650: Auto matching is not restricted to the GL Period correctly.
    GTX-29651: Can't raise a customer credit note.
    GTX-29659: In Inbox Matching investigate Wrong data type on field OriginalReference.
    GTX-29660: When finalising a Work Order using Sale Line Discount the system needs to revalidate the Discount against the selected salesman.
    GTX-29676: Additional resource item caption is not using System.ResourcePlanItemCap.
    GTX-29678: Date on Additional resource is being updated incorrectly.
    GTX-29680: EFTPOS transaction is not auto selecting the correct Payment type, based on the return payment method.
    GTX-29691: Final stocktake report is incorrect for Average cost products.
    GTX-29715: Payments post to the default Bank account and not the selected bank account.
    GTX-29721: If allow Local Contacts is set to No, still allow contacts to be added if PublicContactsFile is set to No.
    GTX-29732: In purchase entry selecting a product by catalogue item is slow to display picker.
    GTX-29733: Web orders are setting the print flags on the packages incorrectly.
    GTX-29734: When an ecommerce order with a remark line is received the work order remark line has a package code Undefi.
    GTX-29735: Assign planner access level to equipment maintenance.
    GTX-29739: Managing a Price list is slow to open and manage products.
    GTX-29753: In Invoice entry selecting a product using ticket number causes an abnormal program termination.

    Marlin GTX


    GTX-29340: Allow Customers to use MDB to export data.
    GTX-29502: Update Emarsys extract external branch code.
    GTX-29509: Allow a Supplier credit with only non stocked products to be automatically Matched and Updated from the Inbox.
    GTX-29510: In invoice entry when selling an Item by Ticket number is setting wrong sell price.
    GTX-29540: In Ezyparts import Map LiquidQty to Qty field and recalculate Unit price based on the new Qty.
    GTX-29546: When an EOD can't be posted GTX to the General Ledger should automatically email support.
    GTX-29548: Auto-select banking registers that must be run during the last End of Month.
    GTX-29564: In the claim dialog, move defect to be above current tread depth.
    GTX-29570: Improve logging of support user logins.

    Notable Fixes

    GTX-29457: In Stock Search when searching by search code it should match on the start of the field not anywhere in the field.
    GTX-29506: The first remark line in a package is being left in use after opening an existing work order and then voiding instead of saving.
    GTX-29521: Abnormal Program Termination when completing a customer credit for a product that has an Addon package code.
    GTX-29535: In Standing Journal when posting a Auto Reverse journal , the reversal Journal allows you to post in a close period.
    GTX-29544: Cannot save booking when a current status is not selected.
    GTX-29545: Customer Receipt fails when paying by links to another customer.
    GTX-29551: In Stock searching when viewing Work Orders is it not displaying the Booking date.
    GTX-29559: Sending an email from the planner restricts the number of characters you can enter in the message.
    GTX-29562: In the planner the SMS tab does not work for Delivery customers.
    GTX-29563: A paid invoice with no deposit is showing a Red $ in the planner.
    GTX-29584: In ImportTracker, the source database URL cannot be entered.

    Marlin GTX


    GTX-29480: Enhance the BAS Report to allow the summary page details to be sent to the head office as an XML file
    GTX-28989: Send Account Master and other changes from Journals to Head Office live.
    GTX-28975: In standing journal you should be able to change the journal Date even when you can't change the GL period.
    GTX-29115: Bin column missing in stock search.
    GTX-29245: When enforce EOM is enable you need to be able to Void or Update a Stocktake.
    GTX-29344: In Business planner and work order picker, represent paid / partially paid / unpaid deposit with coloured dollar symbols.
    GTX-29414: Support MOTO transactions via the Till terminal.
    GTX-29437: Allow unread SMS messages to nag.
    GTX-29438: In Stock Search when viewing SC items only display open Work Orders that include sale lines.
    GTX-29444: Highlight jobs that are underway in resource planner.
    GTX-29449: In the planner when editing a Booking if additional resources are attached, prompt to update booking date of additional resources.
    GTX-29451: Add an indicator into Planner options to inform the user that resource management has been moved to a new program.
    GTX-29452: Show Planner Resource availability based on assigned staff schedules.
    GTX-29463: Add copy icon to support Auth login screen.
    GTX-29488: Use GitLab pipeline run number to identify builds copied to snapshots/release folder.

    Notable Fixes

    GTX-29137: In Quick Stock adjustment the Bin Picker does not display the Qty Available.
    GTX-29358: Issues with MPAY.
    GTX-29383: Enterprise tracker server is slow to respond when searching for both rego and owner.
    GTX-29436: Error trying to Finalise a Customer Invoice with a Cloned SC item.
    GTX-29443: Can't access cancel/save buttons on add a new quote screen in the planner.
    GTX-29461: In Invoice entry the customer picker is not displaying the Balance in a branch of centralised System.
    GTX-29466: Cash BAS is reporting incorrect GST payable amount.
    GTX-29471: Sale info attachments captured for a claim line in a work order are duplicated when work order converted to invoice and when invoice is finalised.
    GTX-29474: Supplier payments fails when paying by links to another supplier.
    GTX-29481: Megalink fails to shut down.
    GTX-29497: Access violation when opening planner booking dialog.

    Marlin GTX


    GTX-29324: Include additional work order details in the deposit request pop-up frame inside the Planner.
    GTX-29342: Allow registration and odometer to be included in a supplier claims document.
    GTX-29343: Add vehicle make and model to supplier claim document.
    GTX-29362: Allow signature and contact to be prepended to text message before sending.

    Notable Fixes

    GTX-29285: When finalising a new work order with no deposit a deposit requested is allocated if there are any open requests.
    GTX-29295: The customer deposit list needs to indicate which deposit requests have been cancelled.
    GTX-29296: MPay transaction finalised on a Invoice set the EFTPOS type as Card used not DIRECT.
    GTX-29297: Merchant Fee's don't work with Text to Pay.
    GTX-29345: Searching in the planner can caused abnormal program termination.
    GTX-29348: Error processing credit note by MPAY.
    GTX-29349: Inbox processor is ignoring the cents on payment confirmations.
    GTX-29361: If SMS is not enabled do not show the Planner status change update dialog/warnings.

    Marlin GTX


    GTX-28934: Autotracker enquiry is not trigger an Email and Mobile validation when editing.
    GTX-29087: In put Away Stock after finalising the system should reset the whole frame.
    GTX-29199: Allow Marlin Web Service to print a Work Order.
    GTX-29246: Add mobile phone icon back onto planner booking dialog.
    GTX-29248: Notify customer when Planner status changes.
    GTX-29252: Till Payments callback support via the Marlin Web Service.
    GTX-29253: SMS Acknowledgement calls should always be trusted from the configured SMS Gateway.
    GTX-29259: Extend the time that the tool tip in the resource planner is shown.
    GTX-29260: Add mobile phone icon back onto planner booking dialog.
    GTX-29261: Allow open deposit requests to unselected, cancelled, or refreshed from the payments dialog.
    GTX-29262: Allow Till Payments E-Commerce module to cancel pending purchases.
    GTX-29263: Till Payments callback support via the Marlin Web Service.
    GTX-29264: Allow right-click deposit requests from Planner task list.
    GTX-9265: Manage products is slow to open some products.
    GTX-29275: SMS Acknowledgement calls should always be trusted from the configured SMS Gateway.
    GTX-29277: Allow taking a deposit with deferred payment.
    GTX-29278: Allow the Marlin Web Service to receive notification of a completed pending EftposTransaction for a customer deposit.
    GTX-29280: Add Deposit request Amount column in Work Order Enquiry.
    GTX-29281: Add right click menu to work order enquiry that allows you to request a deposit.

    Notable Fixes

    GTX-29188: Resource not found exception when searching for a Tracker customer in Work Order Enquiry.
    GTX-29241: Invoice and Credit notes completing with no cost when the stock qty on hand is zero and an average cost has been established.
    GTX-29244: Resource Name in Planner Task List does not display correct resource.
    GTX-29272: Choosing to claim a price match does not display dialog to collect price match related sale info the first time when saving work order or invoice from the planner.
    GTX-29273: Planner records are locked after cancelling an e-commerce work order.
    GTX-29282: Till Ecommerce progress/status dialog gets shorter every time it refreshes.

    Marlin GTX

    Notable Fixes

    GTX-28487: Allow non-stocked codes to be outputted to the picking slips.
    GTX-29125: Goodyear National Account Requirements dialog can go behind the Planner Booking window.
    GTX-29127: Work Order report is not printing product name when printing details lines.
    GTX-29131: Megalink should include a Message-ID on emails it sends.
    GTX-29159: Product selection error when finalising external invoice.
    GTX-29173: Error running cleartran it's failing clearing the notification acknowledgment table.

    Marlin GTX


    GTX-29037: Stock Search advanced options.
    GTX-29044: Improve display of selected Advanced Stock Search options.
    GTX-29073: Update Emarsys extract to include external branch code.
    GTX-29084: Review notification of SMS text messages in Navigator and Planner.

    GTX 5.6.1

    Notable Enhancements

    GTX-27561: Two way SMS.
    GTX-28906: Allow for unattended journal updates.
    GTX-24502: Create a new Stock Transfer Inquiries Report.
    GTX-27534: Allow an additional other reference in invoice entry.
    GTX-27627: Payments Due Report Supplier/Customer List Usability Enhancements.
    GTX-27649: Sales Tax by Tender Type Report - multiple finance companies support.
    GTX-27729: Other Brand Catalog Maintenance Program.
    GTX-27768: Add order number column to planner inbox and task list.
    .GTX-27808: Create default thermal printer layouts.
    GTX-27860: Allow the Planner to display pending payment status of bookings and list all pending payments.
    GTX-27861: Allow taking a deposit with deferred payment.
    GTX-27865: Add deposit status column to work order enquiry.
    GTX-27866: Add deposit status column to Work Order Invoicing / Dispatch.
    GTX-28014: Create abstraction of QR Code generation and allow console use.
    GTX-28076: Notify users of unread SMS replies.
    GTX-28174: Purchase entry - Support automatic matching of electronic claims.
    GTX-28230: Allow carrier and priority information to print on a picking slip.
    GTX-28233: In dispatch allowing filtering and sorting by Fillable.
    GTX-28236: Allow SaleInfo /Attachment Pop-up menu picker to select from existing unassigned attachments.
    GTX-28245: Add ability to send an email from within the planner .
    GTX-28268: Output Total Weight and Volume values on Picking Slip.
    GTX-28290: Consignment stock printing to include bin quantity information.
    GTX-28292: In invoice / dispatch when selecting Bin Code, add QOH Column to picker.
    GTX-28298: Allow Images to be attached to a Claim Transaction via sale line info.
    GTX-28381: Enforce EOD and EOM being run before trading.
    GTX-28398: Allow a Zero dollar invoice to show on customer statements.
    GTX-28424: When cancelling an e-commerce work order with a deposit, add order number to the refund description.
    GTX-28431: Supplier Statement Statement reconciliation UI improvements and fixes.
    GTX-28489: Allowing sorting of stock search results by other Added Branch Qtys Columns.
    GTX-28506: Output extra fields for printing to Consignment Stock Out and Returns.
    GTX-28591: Add the ability to clone properties from an existing stockmaster product when purchasing specific cost items.
    GTX-28647: Add a fillable indicator to Resource Planner tab in Business Planner.
    GTX-28762: Prevent editing of the specific cost item description when cloned.
    GTX-28834: Don't allow local contacts to be created/edited at a branch when using public contacts.
    GTX-28845: Optionally enforce Current Tread Depth on a claim line.
    GTX-28909: Record where product details were cloned from when creating a new specific cost product.
    GTX-28920: Restrict the ability to adjust a Specific cost item.
    GTX-29039: When finalising an invoice with a claim and a claim integration is applicable, send the claim without adding it as an option to the delivery frame.

    Various infrastructure enhancements and bug fixes.

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